Tri Cities Washington
We are just over a month into this year's long (105 day) legislative session. Senators and Representatives have introduced 995 bills (537 House Bills + 458 Senate Bills) and we are heading toward the first legislative cut offs of this session:
Feb. 15: last day to pass bills out of policy committee in house of origin
Feb 22: last day to pass bills out of fiscal committee
Cutoffs are used to help legislators identify and prioritize bills. It is incredibly unlikely every bill a legislator introduces will become law, so cutoffs are used to elevate the bills that are most important to a legislator and most likely to get passed. If the bill doesn’t move beyond the cut-off deadline, like passing out of the policy committee, it’s considered dead for that session.
Bills, bills, BILLS:
Ending mass incarceration (EMI): These are bills that CLS is tracking as part of our EMI work:
HB 1090: “Concerning private, for-profit detention facilities.”
Progress: Public Hearing on 1/21 in Public Safety; passed out of committee and referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/21)
SHB 1169: “Concerning sentencing enhancements.”
Progress: Public Hearing on 1/22 in Public Safety; a substitute version passed out of a committee and referred to referred to and scheduled for a hearing in the Appropriations Committee on 2/16 at 1:30pm. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/22 )
SHB 1126: “Limiting tolling of community custody terms.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/22 in Public Safety, a substitute version passed out of committee; passed out of the Appropriation Committee and referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/22)
HB 1282: “Concerning allowed earned time for certain offenses.”
Progress: Public hearing on 2/2 in Public Safety Committee on an amendment which extends earned release time to 33% for all applicable incarcerated persons. Nearly 900 individuals signed in pro, passed out of committee. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 2/1 )
HB 1344: “Allowing qualifying persons serving long sentences committed prior to reaching 25 years of age to seek review for possible release from incarceration.”
Progress: Public hearing on 2/9 in Public Safety. Scheduled for a vote to be passed out of committee on 2/15 at 1:30pm. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 2/9)
2SHB 1412: “Concerning legal financial obligations.”
Progress: Public hearing on 2/3; a substitute version passed out of committee and is referred to the Appropriations Committee. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 2/3)
SSB 5117: “Concerning rental vouchers to eligible offenders.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/22 in Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Ways and Means. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/21)
SSB 5120: “Concerning the criminal sentencing of youth and young adults.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/19 in Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/19)
SSB 5121: “Expanding eligibility for the graduated reentry program.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/14 in Public in the Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Rules; a substitute version passed out of the Senate with 28 yeas and 21 nays; referred to the House Public Safety Committee. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/14)
SB 5164: “Resentencing of individuals sentenced as a persistent offender due to a robbery in the second degree conviction.”
Progress: Public hearing on 2/1 in Law & Justice; passed out of committee, referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 2/2)
SSB 5304: “Providing reentry services to persons releasing from state and local institutions.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/28 in Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Ways and Means. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/28)
Promoting immigrant equity (PIE): these are bills that CLS is tracking as part of our PIE work:
SHB 1076: “Allowing whistleblowers to bring actions on behalf of the state for violations of workplace protections.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/22 in Labor and Workplace Standards; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/22)
SSB 5141: “Implementing the recommendations of the environmental justice task force.”
Progress: Public hearing on 1/20 in Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology; a substitute version passed out of committee and referred to Rules. (Bill Report) (Public testimony 1/20)